By clicking on the above tabs, you can access different forms we require you to fill out for various purposes. Each form has clear instructions that explain what they are for and what you need to do.
- Marketing support application: Partners can apply to get funding from LS Retail for different activities such as participation in exhibitions, your own events, or webinars.
- Post-event form: If you received funding from LS Retail to participate in or for organizing a marketing event, we ask you to fill out a form listing the leads you registered at the event.
- Nominate a customer: Partners that are eligible for Diamond or Platinum level are required to nominate customers selected for a customer story each year before partner levels are determined.
- Submit a customer story: One of the conditions for reaching Diamond or Platinum partner level is to submit a customer story. This form offers guidelines on what a customer story should include.
If you have questions regarding the forms, please contact